How Decompression Therapy Helps a Slipped Disc: Insights from Dr. Digrado at Newport Center Family Chiropractic

 Decompression Therapy Helps a Slipped Disc
A slipped disc, also known as a herniated or ruptured disc, is a prevalent condition that can cause severe back pain and discomfort. It occurs when the soft inner gel of a spinal disc protrudes through its outer layer, potentially pressing on nearby nerves. This can lead to symptoms such as pain, numbness, and weakness in the affected area. Traditional treatments for a slipped disc often include rest, physical therapy, pain medications, and in severe cases, surgery. However, an innovative and highly effective treatment called decompression therapy offers a non-invasive solution with promising results.

At Newport Center Family Chiropractic, Dr. Digrado utilizes advanced decompression therapy to treat patients suffering from slipped discs. The mechanisms, benefits, and advantages of decompression therapy offer valuable therapy for those seeking relief from back pain.

Introduction to Slipped Discs and Common Treatment Options

Before delving into decompression therapy, it’s essential to understand what a slipped disc entails and common methods used to address it.

What is a Slipped Disc?

A slipped disc occurs when the inner gel-like core of a spinal disc pushes out through a tear in the outer layer. This can result in nerve compression, causing significant pain and discomfort. Common symptoms of a slipped disc include:

  • Localized or radiating back pain
  • Numbness or tingling in the limbs
  • Weakness in the muscles served by affected nerves
  • Difficulty in performing everyday activities

Traditional Treatment Options

While there are several traditional approaches to treating a slipped disc, each has its limitations:

  • Rest and Physical Therapy: Often the first line of treatment, helping to reduce inflammation and improve mobility.
  • Pain Medications: Includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and muscle relaxants to manage pain symptoms.
  • Corticosteroid Injections: Used to alleviate severe inflammation and pain temporarily.
  • Surgery: Reserved for severe cases where conservative treatments fail to provide relief.

A Hypothetical Scenario: Realizing a Slipped Disc

Imagine Jane, a 35-year-old office worker who has been dealing with occasional backaches for years. One morning, she wakes up with a sharp, piercing pain in her lower back that radiates down her right leg. The pain is so intense that she struggles to get out of bed, and simple tasks like bending over to tie her shoes or lifting her toddler become excruciating. She also starts experiencing numbness and tingling in her leg, making it difficult to concentrate at work.

Day-to-Day Struggles

Jane’s day-to-day life takes a dramatic turn. Each movement feels deliberate and cautious; even sitting at her desk becomes unbearable after a few minutes. Her productivity declines, and she has to take frequent breaks to ease the pain, only to find that nothing seems to help. Nights are sleepless, as she can’t find a comfortable position. Traditional treatments like pain medications and physical therapy provide temporary relief, but the symptoms persist.

How Decompression Therapy Helps

Frustrated and desperate for a solution, Jane visits Newport Center Family Chiropractic and consults Dr. Digrado. After a thorough examination, Dr. Digrado recommends decompression therapy. Jane starts the treatment, which involves a gentle, non-invasive technique where a specialized table gently stretches and releases her spine, relieving the pressure on the herniated disc and affected nerves.

Over the weeks, Jane notices a significant reduction in pain and an improvement in her mobility. The numbness and tingling in her leg gradually subside. Soon, she can sit through an entire workday without discomfort, lift her child without wincing, and enjoy a good night’s sleep. Decompression therapy doesn’t just mask the symptoms; it addresses the root cause of her condition, offering lasting relief.

Dr. Digrado’s Advanced Decompression Therapy Explained

Decompression therapy, as employed by Dr. Digrado at Newport Center Family Chiropractic, involves a non-surgical approach to relieve the pain and dysfunction caused by a slipped disc.

What is Decompression Therapy?

Decompression therapy uses a specialized motorized table to gently stretch the spine. This process, known as spinal decompression, creates negative pressure within the disc, aimed at retracting the herniated disc material and promoting healing.

The Treatment Process

  1. Initial Assessment: Dr. Digrado performs a thorough examination, including medical history and imaging studies, to determine the appropriate treatment plan.
  2. Customized Therapy Sessions: Patients lie on a decompression table, where they are securely harnessed to ensure comfort and safety. The table then applies precise pulling forces to the spine.
  3. Monitoring and Adjustments: Throughout the session, the practitioner monitors the patient’s response and makes any necessary adjustments to optimize effectiveness.

The Science Behind How Decompression Therapy Helps with Slipped Discs

The effectiveness of decompression therapy lies in its ability to leverage biomechanics and physiological processes to promote healing.

Mechanisms of Action

  • Reduction of Intradiscal Pressure: The gentle stretching reduces pressure within the disc, encouraging the retraction of herniated material away from the nerve roots.
  • Enhanced Nutrient Exchange: The negative pressure created facilitates improved blood flow and nutrient exchange within the disc, aiding in repair and regeneration.
  • Pain Relief and Functional Improvement: By alleviating nerve compression and improving disc health, decompression therapy can significantly reduce pain and restore function.

Benefits of Decompression Therapy Over Traditional Treatments

Decompression therapy offers several advantages compared to conventional treatments for slipped discs.

Non-Invasive and Painless

Unlike surgical interventions, decompression therapy is non-invasive and generally painless, making it a suitable option for patients seeking a conservative approach.

High Success Rate

Studies and clinical evidence have demonstrated high success rates for spinal decompression therapy in alleviating symptoms and improving disc health.

Minimal Downtime

Patients undergoing decompression therapy usually experience minimal downtime, allowing them to continue with their daily activities while receiving treatment.


Decompression therapy can be more cost-effective than surgery and prolonged medication use, offering long-term relief without the associated risks and expenses.

FAQ Section

What conditions can decompression therapy treat besides slipped discs?

Decompression therapy effectively treats various spinal conditions, including degenerative disc disease, sciatica, spinal stenosis, and facet joint syndrome.

How long does a typical decompression therapy session last?

A standard session lasts between 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the patient’s specific needs and treatment plan.

Are there any side effects of decompression therapy?

Decompression therapy is generally safe with minimal side effects. Some patients may experience mild muscle soreness following the initial sessions, which typically subsides.

How many sessions are needed to see results?

The number of sessions required varies based on the severity of the condition and individual response to treatment. Most patients notice significant improvements within 8 to 12 sessions.

Is decompression therapy suitable for everyone?

While decompression therapy is safe for most individuals, it may not be suitable for patients with certain conditions, such as advanced osteoporosis, fractures, or severe obesity. A thorough assessment by a qualified practitioner is essential.

Decompression Therapy in Newport Beach, CA – Newport Center Family Chiropractic

Slipped discs can cause debilitating pain and disrupt daily life. However, with advanced decompression therapy offered by Dr. Digrado at Newport Center Family Chiropractic, patients have access to a highly effective, non-invasive treatment option. By understanding the science and benefits of decompression therapy, individuals can make informed decisions and seek professional care for their back pain and slipped discs.

Book Your Appointment Now

Are you suffering from a slipped disc or chronic back pain? Take the first step towards relief by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Digrado at Newport Center Family Chiropractic. Contact us today to learn more about how decompression therapy can help you achieve a pain-free life.

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Special Offer for Severe & Chronic Pain Includes:

  • Full Examination
  • Full Report of Findings
  • Detailed Consultation
  • 1st Spinal Decompression Treatment
  • 1st Laser Therapy Treatment

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Newport Center
Family Chiropractic
359 San Miguel Drive
Suite #203
Newport Beach, CA 92660

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